Our Company's Vision, Belief, and Mission


To liberate 1 million Filipinos to become economically independent.


We believe our clients deserve a trusted advocate who aids them in the implementation of both the plan and strategies that mitigate their risks and give them peace of mind.


Our mission is to develop a family of trusted advocates who hold their client’s best interest at heart.

Our Company Values

Service, Integrity, Respect, Courage, & Authenticity

Service: Commitment that extends beyond one’s own self-interest; Personal humility for the sake of a greater cause.

Integrity: Demonstrated by moral courage, ethical strength, and trustworthiness; Keeping promises and fulfilling expectations.

Respect: Demonstrated by self-respect and respecting others regardless of differences; Treating others with dignity, empathy and compassion; And the ability to earn the respect of others.

Courage: Have the strength of self to act with intention on behalf of the common good; Able to take a stand in the face of adversity; Have the courage to hold themselves accountable for their own failures and mistakes.

Authenticity: Demonstrated by consistency, congruence and transparency in values, beliefs and actions; Able to integrate values and principles to create a purposeful life and to contribute to the growth of others.

Quality Over Quantity

A History of Developing Trusted Advocates

2012 Spark Amber was born

Backed by the experience and expertise of its founder, Spark Amber Unit was born with just 5 highly productive members. The unit ended the year achieving Silver level status and increasing its manpower to 24.

2013 Top 5 Units of Pru Life U.K.

Armed with just 39 trusted advocates, the Spark Amber Unit ended as 1 of the top units nationwide of Pru Life U.K. qualifying to the prestigious President’s Club. In addition, one of its top producers, Willison Yu, also bagged the President’s Club qualification.

2014 Top 5 Units of Pru Life U.K.

The Spark Amber family has now grown to 54 trusted advocates. It bagged the President’s Club honor as one of the top units nationwide of Pru Life U.K.

2015 Top 5 Units of Pru Life U.K.

Bringing in 81 trusted advocates, Spark Amber family has retained its gold level status and participation in the President’s Club circle reserved for the crème dela crème.

2016 Expansion Mode

A new unit under the leadership of Mark Anthony Santos was born in 2016. This increased the Spark Amber family to more than 100 trusted advocates. 3 advocates have now made it to the Million Dollar Round Table.

2017 Top 5 Units of Pru Life U.K.

By 2017, Spark Amber Family has now increased its partner to more than 150 trusted advocates and once again bagged the exclusive President’s Club honor being one of the Top Units nationwide. It has likewise produced its first Top of the Table (TOT) member.

2018 Branch and General Agency was Established

Armed with determination to secure more lives and its success as a unit, Spark Amber is now promoted to the branch level position. Together with its 4 leaders, the Spark Amber family has now grown to more than 200 trusted advocates. Spark Amber also bagged the Million Dollar Agency and Home of MDRT award.

2019 Million Dollar Agency

The management team has now grown to 7 Unit Managers managing more than 300 trusted advocates. True to its mission of securing more lives and developing its trusted advocates, Spark Amber has once again bagged the Million Dollar Agency and Home of MDRT award.

Agency Force


Million Dollar Round Table Members


2019 National Achievers Club


Lives Protected


Protection Provided (Billion in Peso)


Claims Released in 2020 (Million in Peso)


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